Hey Guys,
As many of you are gearing up for the next LSAT, or beginning to fill out your applications to enter law school the fall of 2011, I thought it might be nice to write a little bit about the benefits of taking a year off.
While one may point out that I am one of those folks who went straight into law school after graduating, I think this fact gives me a good perspective on why it would have been nice to have some years off after school. So here are five benefits of taking time before entering law school.
1. Do I really know what legal work is?
I strongly believe that this is something every undergrad should think about more before going to law school and I think a year or two of legal related work after college would make people think long and hard about this. While one may think that arguing in court or facilitating transactions is what they want to do for the rest of their lives, the reality is undergrads have little exposure to real legal work. A year of legal related work would not only give you great experience but it would also expose you to rigorous hours and the general everyday life of a lawyer.
2. Do I even like the law?
This is sort of a piggy back point on the above one, but you may find in your year off that you are really not that interested in the law. Maybe you would prefer business, or publishing or farming or whatever else you did in your time off more than you would law.
3. Refine your social skills
Work after law school is great opportunity to grow your social and people skills in settings that arent keggers and frat parties. What most people dont realize is that office spaces can be very social settings and one of the best ways to progress in any job is to have excellent people skills. These skills will also give you great networking opportunities and in an economy like this networking is key.
4. A round of interviews
Pretty simple one, but you are going to want to have experience with interviews. If youve already had exposure to this sometimes stressful process it will only benefit you during On Campus Recruiting weeks during the summer before your second year of law school.
5. Take a break from being a student
You just went through four years of busting your butt to get that GPA in the best position for law school. Take some time off to travel, be with your family or let it sink in that you are a Trojan alumni and not just a Trojan. This will let your mind recharge before the grueling marathon that is 1L year.
Well those are just five of the many reasons a year off would be beneficial to any student. Next week Ill give the counterargument: why its good to go straight through.
Have a great week and I hope to see you all at some of our upcoming events!
Imran Weekly is a weekly column by Imaran Haque, a 3L at USC Gould School of Law. If you have comments or suggestions, please email Imran at prelaw@usc.edu